WealthInitiative AG

Wealthinitiative is a dedicated digital tool for top tier wealth management institutions nurturing their clients'real assets....

WealthInitiative AG
WealthInitiative AG

"Wealthinitiative aspires to redefine the value pro­po­si­tion of the top tier private banks in the stra­tegic areas of real estate, art & pas­sion investments." Wealthinitiative is a unique secure plat­form allowing private banks to share a network of deals on behalf of their high net worth clients in the fields of real estate, art and passion invest­ments. The Plat­form is used inter­nally to help private banks explore syner­gies among their own clients and could also be used exter­nally where deals are shared with other selected private banks, and members of the Plat­form community. Recognizing collec­tors and real estate owners as key client seg­ments for top tier pri­vate banks, Wealthinitiative will bridge the gap between buyer and seller in a confi­den­tial and effi­cient manner. Wealthinitiative a niche player in the market that will provide new revenue streams, gives private banks a unique opportunity to gain a holistic view of customer interests to better meet their needs.

Address: Storchengasse 17, 8001, Zurich, SWITZERLAND
