STAR Wealth Management

STAR Investment Services begins with a disciplined discovery process to ascertain the right type of investments for you. We will guide you through the potential outcomes of a variety of traditional options, such as equity and fixed income investments as well as less traditional choices including commodities, private equity funds, real estate, and others to help you align your risk tolerance with your desired investment performance. A Financial Advisor then supports you in crafting and monitoring your portfolio, offering recommendations for adjustments as needed.

STAR Wealth Management
STAR Wealth Management

These days, investment markets are changing faster than ever. Having a busy life—personally and professionally—gives you little time to stay current and keep a watchful eye on your assets. Our experienced Wealth Management team can provide you with personalized financial solutions designed to help you achieve your goals and dreams while also protecting what’s most important to you. Retirement Planning A comfortable and secure retirement is everyone's dream, but preparing for it can be complex. Factors such as inflation, your future cost of living, how and where to invest, and the role your retirement funds play, make the process seem mysterious. Your STAR Private Advisor stands ready to support you in retirement planning. We have all the tools to help you understand how much you will need and how to get there–a retirement plan customized exactly for you. Financial Planning Your financial goals are unique to you and may include saving more money for retirement, getting out of debt, phasing out a business, or improving your credit score. We offer comprehensive and modular financial planning. Whatever type of financial plan you need, your STAR Private Advisor will work closely with you to develop it. Education Planning Funding your child's education is one of the most important steps you will ever take, and there are many things to consider including projecting the cost, your ability to take advantage of tax credits, how a 529 or Coverdell plan can help, and the role of institutional, state and federal financial aid. Our financial consultants are poised to help you with an education plan. Personalized to your family, your plan will guide you on how to accomplish your competing financial goals, such as saving for retirement and college at the same time. Estate Planning We offer the highest levels of expertise in developing estate plans with a focus on growing, preserving and transferring your wealth to the greatest extent possible. Your Private Advisor is up to date on the latest estate tax laws and is a specialist in developing sound strategies that will build your wealth and convey it to your heirs. Trust Services STAR Private Advisory offers comprehensive trust services delivered by highly experienced advisors who will work closely with you for a positive experience. Your financial advisor will guide you through the legal and taxation differences between a living trust and a testamentary trust and support you in carrying out the activities necessary to set up the trust that is right for you. Private Advisory also features tax planning, fiduciary and other consultative trust services.

Address: 127 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802, USA

Phone: +1 260 428 7031