Sheridan & Associates

Welcome to Sheridan and Associates Sheridan and Associates is a professional financial advisory practice specialising in two major areas: Financial planning strategies using superannuation, life insurance provided as authorised representatives of Guardian Advice. Salary packaging and related strategies. Since 1991 we have developed and maintained a close working relationship with

Sheridan & Associates
Sheridan & Associates

Welcome to Sheridan and Associates Sheridan and Associates is a professional financial advisory practice specialising in two major areas: Financial planning strategies using superannuation, life insurance provided as authorised representatives of Guardian Advice. Salary packaging and related strategies. Since 1991 we have developed and maintained a close working relationship with our clients and understand what they expect from us. It is our goal to deliver tailored, uncomplicated, accurate and swift advice.

Address: Level 2, 28 University Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 Australia

Phone: +61 2 6230 7600
FAX: +61 2 6262 8773