Roger W Williams Financial Planning Ltd

You expect to receive from your trusted family doctor health advice that is totally objective and only concerned with your well being. You expect the same sort of service from your trusted family solicitor, if you have one, for your legal security.

Roger W Williams Financial Planning Ltd
Roger W Williams Financial Planning Ltd

Our aims are to meet your needs, as described on the “About you” page, and to use our well-qualified professional expertise to serve your best interests, as described on the home page. What have we invested in our firm to provide the best possible service? Many hundreds of hours and very considerable expenses have been devoted to gaining and maintaining advanced professional knowledge and qualifications. We pay for the use of what is widely regarded as the best financial planning software (Prestwood) in the UK to help clients achieve their objectives. We also pay for various other software research programs that enable us to search the whole of the UK financial market to ensure we find the best deal for you. We can do this because we are totally independent, and not connected in any way to other businesses, such as insurance companies, mortgage lenders or banks We have thoroughly re-furbished and re-equipped our offices to have facilities suited to learning our clients’ wishes, and helping to fulfil them. We fully support the principles of honesty and fairness set out by the Financial Conduct Authority, the Institute of Financial Planning and the Personal Finance Society. How is our professional service provided? Roger Williams is the authorised financial adviser. To enable him to provide the best possible service he has gained the qualifications of Chartered Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner, and Associate of the Institute of Professional Will Writers. A few years ago he gained a Diploma in Counselling, and, though never practised professional counselling, he gained valuable skills in listening to and understanding clients’ needs. Carole Williams is the company secretary and overlooks the broad operation of the firm to ensure its service to clients is second-to-none. Well-qualified staff are employed, as appropriate, to further enhance our service. The firm employs the support services of SimplyBiz, one of the largest and most successful companies that provide compliance and research support to over 6,000 UK financial advisers. Where can we meet you? Usually we find the most successful way of meeting is at our offices in our specially equipped client visitor room, as in this way there are no distractions, but if you prefer we can visit you at your home, office, business or other location. What is the way we work? At the initial meeting, at our expense and without obligation, we will explore and discuss your general aims and specific objectives. We will check with you that we accurately understand what you want to achieve. We will suggest what seem the most appropriate ways of meeting your needs and serving your best interests. We will always make it entirely clear what the costs of our services are. No work for which there would be a charge will ever be started without your explicit agreement. Obviously we expect to be remunerated for our work, but what matters most to us is that our clients are certain that they are receiving well-qualified advice, dedicated to their best interests, that is second-to-none.

Address: 641A Roundhay Road, Oakwood, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 4BA UK

Phone: +44 113 240 1000