Kreston CAC CPA Limited

Kreston CAC CPA Limited is a professional service firm formed in 2010 following the restructuring of the firm of Chan And Chan which traced its origin to 1991.

Kreston CAC CPA Limited
Kreston CAC CPA Limited

SERVICES: AUDIT AND ASSURANCE - Statutory audits under Companies Ordinance of Hong Kong - Financial due diligence - Special audits for other purposes ACCOUNTING SERVICES - Maintenance of accounting books and records - Preparation of periodic and annual accounts - Handling of commercial papers, e.g. banking and shipping documents TAXATION SERVICES - Filing Profits Tax, Property Tax and Individual Tax Returns - Representing and advising clients in taxation investigations, field audit cases and Board of Review cases - Tax planning and consultancy MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY - Evaluating internal accounting and operational controls - Advising on selection or purchase of computers – hardware and software - Advising on potential acquisitions or mergers - Advising on China business COMPANY SECRETARIAL SERVICES - Assistance and advise on establishment of new companies both in Hong Kong, Mainland China and several overseas jurisdiction, such as British Virgin Islands, Panama, Bahamas, Seychelles etc., - Maintenance of statutory records - Arranging and attending meetings of directors and shareholders and preparation of minutes - Filing of required statutory documents to the Companies Registry - Provision of registered office and business address - Application of relevant licenses/certificates, e.g. business registration certificate, money lenders license, travel agents license etc. - Arrangement of nominee service - Deregistration, dissolution, liquidation and related matters LITIGATION SUPPORT - Gathering and analysis of financial and accounting information for litigation purposes - Provision of expert witnesses CORPORATE INSOLVENCY SERVICES - Advises to lenders and trade creditors on debt recovery - Assistance to rescue the companies in financial crisis - Business or debt reorganization - Receivership and liquidations TRUST AND ASSETS PROTECTION - Estate duty planning - Assets protection - Succession of personal and family property and wealth

Address: Rooms 2702-3, 27th Floor, Bank of East Asia Harbour View Centre, 56 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Phone: +852 2526 1311
FAX: +852 2526 6136