Klepierre Management Magyarország Kft

Klépierre has been in Hungary for 12 years and has 6 shopping centers, 2 in Budapest and 4 on the countryside, with 561 units in total on 141,847 m² GLA. Its national presence makes Klépierre leader of the operators of shopping centers.

Klepierre Management Magyarország Kft
Klepierre Management Magyarország Kft

KLEPIERRE IN HUNGARY Klépierre has been in Hungary for 12 years and has 6 shopping centers, 2 in Budapest and 4 on the countryside, with 561 units in total on 141,847 m² GLA. Its national presence makes Klépierre leader of the operators of shopping centers. Proactive management Klépierre Hungary is looking for a constant development of its centers regarding the needs of retailers, shareholders, investors and local authorities. Our goal is to answer the evolution of our clients’ needs by adapting our global vision to local level. Professionalism, commitment, culture of our teams’ result are the keywords that guarantee a personal contact to each retailer. Our modern and constantly improved management methods ensure a progression of the Klépierre Hungary’s assets appreciation.

Address: 1138 Budapest Vaci ut 178,5.emelet, Magyarorszag

Phone: +36 1 577 11 00