James S. Armstrong Associates

With a long history of tax experience, and decades of accounting experience, James S. Armstrong Associates of Williamsport, PA gives you the best services. Let us take the hassle out of your accounting tasks.

James S. Armstrong Associates
James S. Armstrong Associates

This firm was established in July 1972 by James S Armstrong Sr. This firm was founded on one concept – to provide the best service possible to each client all of the time. Currently there are over 1,500 clients who would state that we provide quality service on a continuous basis. Strong relationship with every client is what separates us from our competition. We invest the time with each client before we provide any services for them. We realize that we cannot help them if we do not understand what our clients need and what they are looking for in an accounting office.

Address: 1301 East Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, USA

Phone: +1 570 326 6528
FAX: +1 570 326 2243